July 18, 2014

I got a message today from Sergey of ArmComedy that if I wanted to prove that I’m not a fake (because I don’t post pictures of myself online) I should come and see him at the a Station pub.

Naturally I asked, if we will be taking selfies and he said yes. Printed my profile picture on an A4 and showed up at the pub. Had my ID verified and took my first ever selfie. Then we drank copious amounts of beer and went home.

2:06am  |   URL: https://tmblr.co/ZFQKjx1LmOTHw
Filed under: me 
  1. pileofgoodthings said: well-played
  2. countryinthegirl said: charajiji!
  3. chotai said: hhahahah teep es
  4. vartanm posted this