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5 Day Juice Cleanse: Day 3, Easy peasy

Still going strong!

Breakfast: 500ml orange/grapefruit juice

Still loving this, I could definitely have this every morning.

Mid-morning: 1 litre apple/beetroot/ginger/celery/greens

I wasn’t able to make it to the store to buy beets, so I substituted with carrots and it isn’t too bad, but not my favorite.

Lunchtime: 500ml orange juice

So so tasty!

Afternoon: 1 litre apple/beetroot/ginger/celery/greens

Was juiced out by this point. Didn’t drink this one.

Evening: 1 litre tomato/basil juice

Surprising tasty!

I am not feeling hungry, per say, but my whole body feels lighter. I even had enough energy to finish my first ever P90X workout! HUZZAH!

Day 3 is a success!

I can already tell you day 4 is going to be challenging… but that’s a story to be completed tomorrow… stay tuned!

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