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Requested Hulk as Harry Potter

i will never NOT reblog this omg


  1. nearlymortal reblogged this from fruityhappiness
  2. fruityhappiness reblogged this from suscriptorjusticiero
  3. suscriptorjusticiero reblogged this from lornaka and added:
    Even if the killing curse can kill Hulk, I doubt it’d keep him dead.He’d just wake up angrier.
  4. elegantmadness reblogged this from resoan
  5. poolwatcher reblogged this from aziraphalesbookkeeper
  6. addiction2fiction reblogged this from aeonthedimensionalgirl
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  8. shelobussy reblogged this from aziraphalesbookkeeper
  9. aziraphalesbookkeeper reblogged this from aeonthedimensionalgirl
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  11. gamerman12newstart reblogged this from enthusiastofshit
  12. enthusiastofshit reblogged this from farsight-the-char
  13. dappercat123 reblogged this from littlemeangreen and added:
    Hulk would hate jk Rowling tho lol, hulk is a confirmed ally
  14. piethecreator reblogged this from bloo-the-dragon
  15. asexuallity-forthe-win reblogged this from gingerpineappleofdoom