December 4, 2012
ארץ ישראל: sura93: eretzyisrael: yafilasteen: Just found out some guy from my...




Just found out some guy from my parents village in Palestine got shot by the IDF because he accidentally crashed into the IDF jeep.

Well done Israel, you’ve just left 8 children fatherless.

eretzyisrael: If this is referring to the most recent indecent, then this is a perfect example of how ‘Palestinians’ like to twist events to make it appear as though they are the innocent ones.

First the IDF vehicle was rammed, and then the Arab attacked the Shin Bet Agents with an axe. [Source].

So no, it wasn’t “just some guy who accidentally crashed”.

yafilasteen: So besides your source being inherently Zionist by claiming the man as “terrorist” and calls the land “Samaria”, you can even tell the story is completely made up.

The source says: “The terrorist then emerged from hisvehicle and attacked two of the agents with an axe, wounding one of them moderately.”

Then it says: “…a Palestinian approched them with an axe and tried to attack the soldiers. The soldiers shot him dead,”

Oh Eretzyisrael and your horrible attempts at false propaganda.

Those poor 8 fatherless children…

eretzyisrael: HaAretz. ABC News. Y!News. The Times of India. WDRB. Global News. Ma’an News. [links at source]

Of course, those news reports report the truth, which happens to be contrary to your personal opinion, so let’s just brush them off as all controlled by Zionists!

The truth is that the Palestinian man was coming towards the IDF with candy floss and flowers wishing to dance the macarena.

Those 8 children will now receive monthly welfare compensation from the PA for their father being a martyr. He [his family] could have gotten a better deal if he survived and went to prison [.pdf]

Well done Palestinians, you’ve left those children are fatherless because of a political/religious philosophy [Islam] that puts more value and honor on death than on life.

Any questions?

(via movedtoanewplace)

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    I doubt he even had an axe.
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    Those 8 children will now receive monthly welfare compensation from the PA for their father being a martyr. He [his...
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    allah yer7amo