April 17, 2012
“ quantumspork:
“ breathingsboring:
“ nerd-do-well:
“ i-am-the-moriarty-it-is-me:
“ “After a while, just talking to them was no longer enough.”
well shit is this a horror movie
“You can’t trust someone who thinks you’re...






“After a while, just talking to them was no longer enough.”

well shit is this a horror movie

“You can’t trust someone who thinks you’re crazy.”


“I don’t know, something… not naked.”

So the movie about my life is not a porno, I can deduce that much.

“Thou art dung, Dupre.”

everyone go home I win

“The situation is clear. I trust in my ability, I trust in what I do and, if people put their trust in me, I will deliver for them.”

That works.

“The people are starving. They need food; they need medicine; they need education. They do not need a skyscraper to house the ruling party and a 24-hour TV station.”

(via roseofchaos)

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    2 years later and Im redoing this. This time I got “You obviously do not know who you are FUCKING WITH!” from Blade 2
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