Ted Blosser

Dusting off the cobwebs and getting back into Rails this weekend. My goal was to build an app, but focus on test-driven development. I still find myself learning new things every time I read through http://ruby.railstutorial.org/–it’s probably one of...

Dusting off the cobwebs and getting back into Rails this weekend.  My goal was to build an app, but focus on test-driven development.  I still find myself learning new things every time I read through http://ruby.railstutorial.org/–it’s probably one of the best rails tutorials on the market.  

The app is an automator for Box.  By adding in a valid access token, you can fill up an enterprise account for purposes of testing.  I’m about 75% complete and hope to finish this up on my spare time over the next couple of weeks.  Here’s the github repo: https://github.com/tblos/box_automator