Esquire Theme by Matthew Buchanan
Social icons by Tim van Damme



Candles in the Sun by Miguel

Musicians use their work to entertain the masses, but not everything you hear or see is a façade. Sometimes our art is truthfully reflective of societal struggles. Miguel closes Kaleidoscope Dream with a sort of philosophical examination of life for these past few years. He guides the listener with a set of rhetorical questions for contemplation, and even declares:

“Look at all these people
Searching for a reason,
Searching for a peace of mind (hey)
Say we’re all created equal
That’s what they teach us
But that ain’t how we treat each other,
S**t the truth is that we need each other…

Business and governments just watch as the innocent fade
Mindless bureaucracy, feds hindering government aid
Aren’t you appalled?
What are we doing? Where are we going?

… Will it be too late when we find out we’re all that we’ve got?
… Just take a look around now”

This song speaks to what we are currently experiencing, the images in the video are real. From time to time, musicians poignantly remind us of how connected we are. We cannot ignore that the progress of the human race depends on our collective compassion for one another.

Amidst the US government shutdown fiasco, we have to wonder about the human condition. So many lives have been affected by the decisions of the appointed few. This is just another example of a musician advocating for those of us who can sometimes feel like we have no voice in the grand scheme of things. Imagine how different things could be if everyone respected each other as world citizens…


Written & Transcribed by Kay.DS

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