The Petition For BioWare/EA To Publicly Support Their Employee Jennifer Hepler


in keeping with this discussion, this is a more appropriate petition

the money one, however, isn’t so much about money as it is (hyperbolically) showing Ms. Hepler that we believe EA and BioWare should support her to their greatest ability.

  1. antiqua-lugar reblogged this from momochanners
  2. peppers-pray reblogged this from elfgrove and added:
    Good grief…!
  3. fannishcodex reblogged this from ladyofdragons
  4. beetroot-and-indigo-blog-blog reblogged this from lywinis
  5. phoenixandashes reblogged this from icescrabblerjerky and added:
    ^ This. I like Jennifer’s work, but there are aspects of it that I’m not a massive fan of - there are continuity issues...
  6. fherthus reblogged this from zenjestrr and added:
    So much fucking hate for these “fanboys” seriously as far as Mass Effect goes I never played for the gameplay I played...
  7. peldragora reblogged this from zenjestrr
  8. vulcanwarden reblogged this from zenjestrr
  9. evamitchelle reblogged this from sanityscraps
  10. vaguelysomething-blog reblogged this from sanityscraps
  11. medical-zombie-blog reblogged this from sanityscraps and added:
    Alright, these are the types of people who need to be shot in public. Seriously. She has our support. Fuck the haters.
  12. zenjestrr reblogged this from 8bitscoundrel
  13. 8bitscoundrel reblogged this from slytempest
  14. wafusafu reblogged this from conradverner and added:
    The fact that BioWare/EA haven’t ALREADY gone out of their way to defend her shows how much they really care. This is...
  15. zyrenskistudios reblogged this from momochanners
  16. cola82 reblogged this from somnomare and added:
    That’s an extremely obnoxious response given they are calling her at home and being overtly sexist. She wouldn’t be the...
  17. slytempest reblogged this from momochanners
  18. somnomare reblogged this from cola82
  19. rinnael reblogged this from secondhand-mermaid
  20. alienfirst reblogged this from ladyofdragons and added:
    Had no idea this was going on. The entitlement of fans of ANYTHING never fails to sicken me.
  21. ladyofdragons reblogged this from momochanners and added:
    Thank goodness. I’ve been AFK for most of this so I’m like, OMGWTF shitstorm is this!?! D: D: D: The smattering of stuff...
  22. thatlizardsquid reblogged this from georgiaodamn
  23. georgiaodamn reblogged this from thatlizardsquid and added:
    jesus christ man I have bad hand-eye coordination and honestly if it weren’t for the easier modes I would have never...
  24. mesmerizedish posted this