
I’m really just a NOBODY, but the most exciting Part of my journey, story is getting others to SEE👀 how beautiful and special THEIR STORY is. @annawasp is a DOPE TALENTED artist. And she’s SEXY as fuck! #itsamovie and NOT just mine HERS… YOURS… So...

I’m really just a NOBODY, but the most exciting Part of my journey, story is getting others to SEE👀 how beautiful and special THEIR STORY is. @annawasp is a DOPE TALENTED artist. And she’s SEXY as fuck! #itsamovie and NOT just mine HERS… YOURS… So #turndownforwhat or are YOU gonna wait for SOMEBODY else to tell YOU that YOU are the shit. GIRL you are the beautiful #badbitch that tattooed the #LEGENDARY #tmnk all my other tats I did myself… Aka #arthistory #doyouknowwhothefuckiam BUT MORE IMPORTANTLY in YOUR MOVIE #doTHEYknowwhothefuckYOUare.YOU are the future #actikeYOUknow and sooner or later so will they. Aka #ithinkthereforeiam NOBODY #tattoo #art #life I do say YOUR the shit, if I do say so myself. #drunkinLOVE aka #loveyourself YOU are a Beautiful, sexy, talented #badbitch AND YOU’RE in #Miami beyyyyyatch #levels #fwmykigi #realrecognizereal feel me. #nobodycares