December 10, 2013
You could still owe a lot of child support even if your case is closed

Every once in a while I get a call from someone who does not understand why they owe so much child support. In fact, they wonder why they should owe any child support at all.

What usually happens is that the child support services department was enforcing the current order for support. The non custodial parent asks the custodial parent to drop the case. They usually promise to pay support directly to the other party or maybe the custodial party is just not interested in support at that moment.

The custodial party goes to their local child support services department office. They tell them that they no longer are interested in child support. The child support services department stops enforcement of the order.

Time goes by. The non custodial parent might not pay any support thinking that no one is forcing them to pay. The custodial parent might be having financial problems. They ask the non custodial parent to help out. Many times the non custodial will say they are having issues and can’t afford to pay anything at that time.

In desperation the non custodial parent turns back to the child support services department. They ask for help. Next thing that happens is that the non custodial parent finds a very large bill for past due child support in their mail box. The may even include a threat to suspend their drivers license.

The problem is that all the child support services department did previously was to stop enforcement. It did not make the prior order invalid. The old order continued in full force and effect accruing each month. It did not stop the requirement that the non custodial parent was supposed to pay each month.

Be careful not to fall into that trap. If you are interested in discussing your child support rights and options fee free to contact attorney Bradley Hochberg at the Law Offices of Bradley Hochberg in Los Angeles, CA at (323) 722-8007 or or