Creativity + Capitalism = Economic Model of the Future

An excellent series of thoughts from Megan Deal, a designer and educator working in Detroit. Megan illuminates a current shift in design practice that is allowing the discipline to expand into new and diverse fields within the world. 

Read through this (it’s not too long!) and consider the ways in which designers can function in different scenarios and contexts. 


In his article, Designers are the New Drivers of American Entrepreneurialism (October 2011), Bruce Nussbaum suggests that the melding of design with startup culture is leading innovation and raising the success rate of venture capital as high as 80%. Nussbaum cites several reoccurring patterns advancing in recent years to support this notion, including small design/innovation consultancies like Smart Design and IDEO, now developing and selling more of their own products, alongside several innovative startups being spawned by entrepreneurs with design degrees, like Tumblr, Vimeo and Airbnb. Several other examples that fall under this latter category come to mind as well, like Holstee, Dear Coffee I Love You, Best Made Co., Scout Books, and Field Notes.

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