We will meet in class. You will turn in your writing assignment. (See below.) Then we will take the streetcar to the Museum of Contemporary Craft. At 10:30 am, we will receive a walk-through of the Studio H exhibit from Namita Wiggers, the curator of the Museum. (We’re so lucky!) Class will be dismissed from the Museum and may end a bit early.


Student admission is $3. If this is a problem, please let me know via email ahead of time, and we’ll take care of it.

Meet in class. We’ll leave here at 10 and go together. The streetcar is free.

Recommended reading:

I recommend reading the About Section on Studio H from their website. I also recommend watching this TED talk from Emily Pilloton, the director of Studio H. You could also check out information about Project H, the “parent” organization.



A) In response to the First Things First manifestos we read for class today, please pen your own manifesto. I am interested in what you take a stand for. What happens when you use strong language to talk about design? Are you trying to convince someone of something? What is your ideal model of practice, and what steps could you take to get there? What values drive your practice?

As we established in class, the First Things First manifestos had multiple parts and goals:

1. Establish a problem, conflict or issue
2. Use bold language and confident statements
3. Ask questions.
4. Include a call to action
5. Relate it back to your own values. 


B) Using the readings as a starting point, answer the following question: What does it mean to be a graphic designer who works outside of a commercial context? What are those other contexts? What kinds of projects could you work on if you didn’t do commercial work? Is that a viable option?

Both options, A and B, should be one page minimum, double-spaced. Don’t stress.

3 notes


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