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“ jumblejo:
“ velocicrafter:
“ stfusexists:
“ brooklynmutt:
“ Rich Jerk Tips 1% and Advises Server to ‘Get a Real Job’ via - Eater
I think I would literally snap if this happened to me at work. I think I would black out and wake up...






Rich Jerk Tips 1% and Advises Server to ‘Get a Real Job’ via - Eater

I think I would literally snap if this happened to me at work. I think I would black out and wake up in the back of a police car covered in blood.

Serving IS a real job. It’s not a great career for most people, but it’s a job. I pay my bills every month from waiting tables. I’m supporting myself solely from what I make as a waitress while figuring out what I want to do with my life and working for free as C.O.O of a start-up. I know tons of people who support families on the income they make from serving.

I sincerely hope this is a hoax, because this is just appalling. Servers in every state besides Oregon and Washington are paid sub-wages - LESS than minimum wage. Basically nothing after taxes. Tip your servers and tip them well, because that’s all they get paid. You’re welcome to eat at home if you don’t like it.

the bolded, esp. the bolded + italics

reblogging again for the commentary.  because, well, truth.


i have only lost my class once at work, and if this happened there would be a second time.

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  8. lunainvidia reblogged this from rifa and added:
    fun fact people are horrible and I hate them
  9. a-shiba reblogged this from sadblaqwitch-blog and added:
    Then who serves his food?
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    wow what an ass
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    reblogging for the above
  15. nakattacksucks-blog reblogged this from rune-midgarts and added:
    lol Too bad it’s fake.