“ robotrebelranch:
“ thedarkkonoha:
“ dokidokiprettycure:
“ Yo. Thought I’d let you guys know that they’re planning on tricking us into deleting out System 32, which would render our computers useless.
Don’t fall for it.
Okay so...

Yo. Thought I’d let you guys know that they’re planning on tricking us into deleting out System 32, which would render our computers useless.

Don’t fall for it.


Okay so 4chan users are willing to go as far as destroying multiple people’s equipment because of this little ‘fight’ over the internet.

I guess we should warn people in case they fall for it. 


I’m sorry but if you are actually stupid enough to fall for ‘delete system32’ jokes in the year 2014 then it’s your own fault for being a dumfuck


I can’t believe it

i don’t actually believe it

it’s the year 2014. two thousand and fourteen

and tumblr is dropping PSAs about “hey guys look out for this system 32 prank!”

that is the oldest fucking; and I’m serious, it’s the oldest, fucking thing on the entire internet. I thought that anyone whose been on the internet for more than a month would’ve heard delete system 32 before. I don’t think I’ve ever seen someone ask a question about a computer on a public forum without SOMEONE saying “delete system 32 lol”

honestly i have exactly 0 sympathy if any of you dumb fucks don’t have the basic common sense to go and do a little bit of research before you delete a file off c:\windows\ because an image on the internet said that it would stop you from getting “hacked”

absolutely pathetic 


wow. you from the last two comments have a stank attitude

you’re being disrespectful and expect everyone to conform to your views and experiences. if u don’t like that this is still being reblogged in 2014 then DON’T REBLOG IT. stop acting like idiots.

i have been on the internet since 2003 and this is my first encounter with a “del system” prank. so far I was lucky enough to meet only decent people in forums who genuinely try to help me if I have a computer related question, instead of acting like a complete douchebag and trying to trick me into breaking my shit.

so thank you for still posting this in 2014 and acknowledging the fact that there are people who haven’t heard of this (for whatever reason)

Sweet Jesusstupid peopleopinionsTumblr.internetw/e manblarghq

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