Hail Nails
Hail Nails Boss + VH1.com editorial director
RP from @thisisprima I’m still so in love with this pic. The colors are so damn true. #hailnails #dippedset #sky #nailpolish #hotshit #pretty #nails #nailart #neon
  1. RP from @thisisprima I’m still so in love with this pic. The colors are so damn true. #hailnails #dippedset #sky #nailpolish #hotshit #pretty #nails #nailart #neon

  1. 86 notesTimestamp: Tuesday 2013/08/13 15:04:53hotshitnailpolishnailsskynailartdippedsetprettyhailnailsneon
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    reasons why i be stayin broke…THISSSSSSSSSSSS
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