May 6, 2012
Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer Signs Planned Parenthood Funding Ban

“PHOENIX – Gov. Jan Brewer on Friday signed into law a bill to cut off Planned Parenthood’s access to taxpayer money funneled through the state for non-abortion services.

Arizona already bars use of public money for abortions except to save the life of the mother. But anti-abortion legislators and other supporters of the bill say the broader prohibition is needed to ensure no public money indirectly supports abortion services.

Planned Parenthood Arizona claims a funding ban would interrupt its preventive health care and family planning services for nearly 20,000 women served by the organization’s clinics. The organization says it will consider a legal challenge.

The measure targeting funding for Planned Parenthood for non-abortion services was one of several approved by Arizona’s Republican-led Legislature related to contentious reproductive health care issues this session.”

If I lived in Arizona I would either kill myself or go on a murderous rampage. Actually I’d probably just move to Canada, but one can dream.

If I had the time or energy to go on an angry rant, I would.

  1. cangal reblogged this from stfuprolifers
  2. aprihop reblogged this from worldwidewomen-blog and added:
    The treatment of women and other oppressed groups in AZ makes me so uncomfortable. I want to leave this awful place so...
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  4. iv0611 reblogged this from stfuprolifers
  5. sidfromabove1975 reblogged this from stfuprolifers and added:
    I just can’t with Arizona anymore. I just can’t. Especially when NC seems to want to follow their example. Ugh. So...
  6. stfuprolifers reblogged this from worldwidewomen-blog
  7. starlitsunkisseddreamers reblogged this from worldwidewomen-blog and added:
    so it’s official then Jan Brewer is certified to not possess a vagina, uterus, emotions, or an ounce of common sense ok...
  8. worldwidewomen-blog posted this