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  1. asryakino reblogged this from copperbadge and added:
    Part of the issue with the syrups is that almost all of them have sucrolose in them. If you can, find the ones that are...
  2. rexyrexaw reblogged this from copperbadge and added:
    Oh my god, and tea pop!! I’m not sure if you guys have them in the states, but there’s a tea place called David’s Tea....
  3. karadin reblogged this from lrodell and added:
    I’d never heard of sodastream, then I discovered they have a production facility in occupied Palestine, so not buying...
  4. ceastman73 reblogged this from copperbadge and added:
    Contributing to the SodaStream um, stream: I’ve got one too. I’ve always been a fan of fizzy water, particularly in...
  5. peasantwitch reblogged this from copperbadge and added:
    I’ve started making carbonated water with my Sodastream (I went brand name) and flavor it by the glass with Torani or...
  6. lrodell reblogged this from copperbadge
  7. look-to-windward reblogged this from fursasaida and added:
    I will not buy Sodastream (whatever your stance on BDS, there are plenty of equally deserving companies out there that...
  8. fursasaida reblogged this from copperbadge and added:
    Worth mentioning that Sodastream is an Israeli company, so if there’s an alternative out there (I’m sure there is) maybe...
  9. copperbadge reblogged this from engrprof and added:
    I like it a lot, but then I don’t always care for flavoring in soda. I like just plain soda water with a bit of lemon...
  10. engrprof reblogged this from copperbadge and added:
    Is soda stream good? I hate the packaging for soda but haven’t had the nerve to switch because the initial investment is...