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Doctor Rant

You know what’s really frustrating?

Going to the doctor to try and get answers about a long list of strange symptoms and being told to go on anti-depressants as the answer.

I’m on my third doctor know for ongoing stomach issues. It’s not a stomach ache. There are days when I can’t even leave the house because I need to be near the bathroom. Some days I don’t even want to eat because I know the side effects. That’s not anxiety. That’s a stomach or bowel issue.

So, thanks medical school for teaching doctors that the answer to every problem is to prescribe a pill.

I’ve tried those silly “SSRI’s” in the past (three different kinds!) and you know what? They made me feel like a zombie. Numb. Uninterested. They did not help. And I am not depressed, nor do i have anxiety. My life is the most stress-free it’s ever been.

I’ve paid thousands of dollars to have my gallbladder removed, just to find that didn’t help either–and probably shouldn’t even have been done.)

So what’s next? I’m told to take an anti-depressant to fix a stomach problem. Seems logical.

The worst part? They don’t even listen when you TELL THEM you aren’t interested in anti-depressants. They just go ahead and send over a prescription. Awesome. Thanks so much for taking my co-pay.

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  1. goldenfancies said: I just went through the SAME frustrating thing for almost 2 years. So many doctors tried to just shove anti-depressants at me and send me on my way. I hope you find a doctor that will help you. Feel better!
  2. watchingthedialtone said: Im not sure if I followed you because I found you through a crohns tag or because of another awesome reason, but if not, I think you might have IBS or even colitis or crohns. Please talk to a gastoenterologist. I have crohns disease.
  3. gratefulsara-blog said: YEP my brother had stomach aches and even daily vomiting for years and they never figured it out so they called it ANXIETY
  4. realityisralph said: I don’t know what your other symptoms are, but my brother has Crohn’s disease and it’s worth it to get checked out for that. Keep bothering the doctors until they do.
  5. wdwr posted this