World of Warcraft Transmogrification

A blog highlighting creative, innovative, or just plain awesome examples of transmog/mogging in World of Warcraft.

This blog primarily reblogs other posts, takes submissions, or occasionally, I post my own transmogs.

I don't take transmog requests at this time, sorry! There are several excellent blogs I reblog that DO, however.
Contributing Authors
Recent Tweets @maleficently



WoWhead Model: Link

Individual Item List;

Head: Cover of the Keepers

Shoulders: Passive Resistor Spaulders

Chest: Grizzly Jerkin

Braces: None

Gloves: Dokebi Gloves

Belt: Trollwoven Girdle

Bottom: Expedition Pants

Boots: Enchanted Leather Sandals

1-Hander: Scimitar of Seven Stars

Cloak: None


Dagger: Searing Sunblade

Belt: Swashbuckler’s Belt

Note: WoWhead isn’t displaying the second weapon on the other hand so I didn’t bother getting the same weapon added in twice.

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