My Hass Avocado from Seed

I started a Hass avocado tree from seed about hmmmm 6-8 months ago. It’s only about 10in tall now and was dormant for most of the winter. How it seems like growth is starting back up again. These leaves get HUGE.

There’s a few tips I want to share about these plants:

1) If you are going to start from seed, choose not only a seed from a TASTY avocado, but also one that has a small pit to pulp ratio. You ever get one that’s like 70% pit? What a rip right? If you want more tasty meat in your avocado, then select the seed with that trait! Of course, I know this is not a sure-fire way to select traits from store bought produce, but the logic ups the chances. Now with a few more years of experience under my belt, I now know that avocados are one of those plants that will not grow true to its parent if you start from seed. Growing from seed is a bit of a gamble, but it’s still fun.

2) DO NOT SET IT UNDER THE ROARING SUMMER SUN. I thought this thing would love love strong light and warmth, but that’s how I killed my first tree. The leaves literally burned to a crisp. Wish I had photo-documentation, but then I think I’d get to angry at myself.

3) Even if your avocado tree dies, DRY AND SAVE THE LEAVES. It’s used as a secret cooking spice in some Mexican recipes. It has an interesting anise/licorice aroma! Take note, there’s some reports of “toxicity” in certain avocado leaves…blah blah disclaimer…blah blah your own discretion.

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    Mexican avocado leaves (the ones with the anise scent) are considered edible. Guatemalan and West Indian avocado leaves...
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    Avocado Tree Progress Update! I gifted two avocado trees to my MiL. This holiday season, I checked in on them. One is...
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