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“ “Unlike the life-size Neolithic...













“Unlike the life-size Neolithic plastered and painted skulls from Jericho, the Uruk head is entirely man made.”

thanks to my art history through the ages book

“So they rode till they came to a lake, the which was a fair water and broad, and in the midst of the ake Arthur was ware of an arm clothed in white samite that held a fair sword in hand.”

Thanks, Morte d’Arthur.

“What are you grinning for?”

thanks, The Colour of Magic graphic novel

at least i’m pretty sure that’s page 45 they aren’t numbered

“I said when did ‘e want ‘im next, and ‘e said ‘e didn’t know, but it wouldn’t be fore a bit.”

w h a t

okay Elephant Man

“Thus I lay in a sense of weakness and insensibility, between life and death, when I felt myself touched by something that moved up and down my body.”




“So well intended, and yet so insulting.”

Oh…my. That could be interpreted as kinky.

” “‘Pervert is a real pejorative you know, Mike.” “

So, yeah.

The chef had spent days preparing this feast for three.
Courtesy of Queen takes King

“I don’t know what has come over you, Gandalf,” he said.

Whut O_O 

“Someone else enters the room, and when I look up, I’m surprised to see it’s the baker, Peeta Mellark’s father.”

Well that’s awkward.

 ”We tend to think of memories as a reply of past events - a personal library of documentary film footage which we can select and watch at will.”

Sounds like my sex will be something like porn section of video store. all the positions err positions.

The closest book to me is Railway Stories, a kid’s book about Thomas the Tank Engine and his friends. As it’s a compilation, there are multiple page 45’s. And they’re all hilarious in this context.

  1. “‘We shall leave you there for always and always and always.’”
  2. “‘What are you doing here, Thomas?’ he asked sternly.”
  3. “‘I’ve done it, I’ve done it,’ he panted and disappeared over the top.”
  4. “At last, a tooting in the distance told them a bus had come for the passengers.”
  5. “‘Oh yes Sir! Yes Sir! Please Sir!’”

That 5th one really worries me…

To keep bees successfully, you need to learn the basics of honey bee biology - how bees develop, how they function as individuals, and how the colony behaves as a unit.


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