This is Thin Privilege

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Why do you get angry at opposing viewpoints and arguments? I always see responses to people with differing opinions with rude, snide comments thrown in to really show your dislike. Are you capable of having a viable input to arguments you may not agree with? It just seems like I see a lot of, “Stop liking what I don’t like” or “Stop having opposing viewpoints.”

You would think on a page dedicated to not being biased towards a certain group of people would practice what they preach.

You’re new to the concept of privilege it seems. Either that or this is your sooper slick way of implying that thin privilege doesn’t exist (because we’ve never heard *that* one before!).

This blog is dedicated to opening the eyes of society to the oppression fat people experience. So, who, exactly are we hypocritically oppressing? Just “people with opposing viewpoints”? Is that a large chunk of humans who have been discriminated against and erased worldwide for decades that we’re just now hearing about?

And lastly, you could have found your answer to this in our FAQ, but for your sake and the sake of a healthy reminder:

“Tone policing disadvantaged people is oppressive in and of itself. It places a burden on the disadvantaged that is not put on oppressors: that of being “polite” by the standards of the oppressors. And, frankly, there is no way to be polite enough by those standards, because just telling them that the oppression exists is not “polite”. For example, I’m following a conversation going on on my dash, in which a WOC said, simply, that Bioshock: Infinite had too much racist imagery for her, she found it triggering, and she was not going to be able to play it. She didn’t cuss. She didn’t call anyone names. She didn’t say anyone else shouldn’t play it. She said she wasn’t going to. And she has been getting a flood of hate for it for a good 24 hours now. People are insulted that she would say B:I is racist at all. It was rude of her to call any attention to the racist imagery. And they are shitting all over her for it, often in worse terms than any of the mods here use. Because oppressors think that pointing out oppression is rude. Period. …

"Because we are not here to coddle our oppressors, and we are not here to coddle anyone who sounds like our oppressors, either, because we simply can’t tell the difference until you stop sounding like our oppressors. If you act like a troll, if you act like an oppressor, we will treat you with the contempt that deserves.”  -Madgastonomer




  1. what-to-be-done-with-her reblogged this from thisisthinprivilege
  2. newbiefeminist reblogged this from thisisthinprivilege
  3. matchgirl42 said: *snort* yeah just like my father always said “I’m just teasing, why are you getting so upset and confrontational with me” when he got called on emotionally abusing me. We’ve heard it before, it’s still the same bullshit.
  4. thebestendeavor reblogged this from thisisthinprivilege and added:
    “I am tired, not of arguing in favour of equality, diversity and tolerance, but of having to explain, over and over and...
  5. decoyreindeer reblogged this from thisisthinprivilege and added:
    lol, also did it ever occur to you that when you are talking about “opposing viewpoints” on oppression and privilege,...
  6. perplexandenfeeblethought reblogged this from thisisthinprivilege
  7. lethalsquid-deactivated20140406 submitted this to thisisthinprivilege