This is Thin Privilege

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My S.O.

When I was in college I had to do a major paper on any topic I wished. Of all the topics available I picked weight bias in the healthcare industry. 

My paper and my research were impeccable. In fact I got an award for most thought provoking paper and classmates complimented me extensively.

The only reason this happened is because I’m a Damn toothpick. The only reason my paper and presentation were well received was because I’m small.

But I wrote the paper and did the presentation because of my husband. Because he weighed over 300 pounds. I wrote the paper because his self confidence is awful. I wrote the paper because his Damn boss made fun of his weight. I did the paper and presentation because he is the best thing that’s ever happened to me. 

He’s fantastic at his job. Received over 5 merit raises. He knows his department, he knows his employees. His area only runs at max efficiency because of him. 

His boss has no right. People have no right to make blanket misstatements about a person based on their weight.

Thanks for this. I hope to one day convince my husband to not be ashamed of himself. I know this blog helps me toward that goal.

Thin privilege is doing a research paper on weight bias and being taken seriously.


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    Seriously. I don’t follow this blog so that I can hear from thin womyn that fat phobia exists. If your fat husband wants...
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