This is Thin Privilege

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You are really saying that you NEVER saw a fat acceptance blog shaming skinny women? REALLY? It's a shame every time I see it, but it does happen and all skinny positive blog were made after that kind of thing. You can say it's a shame and that YOU do not support it, but you can't deny that it happens

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i am really saying that i NEVER saw a fat acceptance blog shaming skinny women. REALLY.

i will say that i have seen it in blogs made by gross fat fetishist men

but i digress.

it might be because the fat acceptance blogs i follow are tops and don’t participate in tearing other bodies down in order to feel better about ours. that’s counter-productive and i’m not about that.

sucks that *you* see it though and you should call it out when you do.

as for “all skinny positive blogs were made after that kind of thing?” i truly could not care less about skinny positive blogs but am one thousand percent sure that not all skinny positive blogs were created because of things like that.

and finally, you can tell it by their language and sarcasm that these anti-fat acceptance blogs don’t care about fat people, like when someone says “WHAT? NO THIN SHAMING ISNT REAL WE ARE OPRESSED?!?!??!?“ as if they know what they’re talking about. they’re gonna get called out on their shit.

Almost every time someone has explained what exactly all this “skinny shaming” was from fat acceptance the answer has been:

  • Talking about Thin Priviilege
  • Talking about specific instances of abuse from thin people
  • Talking about not wanting to participate in diet culture
  • A fat admirer being an asshole
  • A non-fat activist fat person expressing resentment about thin privilege

And that last one ALWAYS gets shouted down by actual fat acceptance blogs. If anything, I think fat acceptance should be more understanding about that while still advocating for more productive responses.

Anti-fat acceptance blogs are transparent in their purpose and frankly framing it as some kind of “thin defense league” kind of exposes that purpose. They “deny” thin privilege in order to enforce it. They “deny” fat shaming by insisting fat people SHOULD be ashamed. Their moral authority is based entirely in agreeing with their fat-stigmatizing, thin-idealizing world-view.


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    If I don’t hate thin and slim people for selling fat people out, why should I come down harder on a fat often chubby...
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    The tired old “but what about the thin people” tune is playing again.
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