This is Thin Privilege

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Thin privilege is finding a helpful antidepressant after years of searching and the doctor deciding not to raise the dose because you've gained 10 pounds in 6 months.

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This is one of the more ridiculous posts I have seen. Doctors would raise the dosage if you gain weight because the more weight the more you will need for it to work effectively. Like seriously how is that fat discrimination it is literally a doctor doing his or her job to best prescribe and treat your illness and yes newsflash weight does affect just how much of a drug you need. Jesus christ how can people not get this. It is simple basic logic.

The doctor is NOT raising the dosage BECAUSE the patient gained 10 lbs in 6 months. Presumably the doctor thinks the side effect is more dangerous than the depression.

read my reply to the lask two asks I got on this. I misinterpreted it here…also the side effect is not in my pinion the weight they say the drug is working so clearly this is not thin privilege the doctor could and would say this to a thin person to if side effects were worse than the benefit of the drug. The post is ridiculous. I was trying to say i thought she wanted the dosage upped and the weight gain was the reason but it like as a lovely person pointed out to me 10lbs isnt a big enough weight gain to do have an effect on the drugs so rather actually supports my point she had no reason to want the dosage upped you don’t know the other factors involving this and the reasons why 10lbs was seen as a reason not to up the dosage…you dont know other health problems or conditions or reasonings behind it more to the point as i said this is not only a problem fat people have so it isn’t thin privilege.

Clearly, the OP thinks that the doctor is refusing to raise their dosage due to anti-fat bias, and the OP does know all of this shit, so maybe you should trust the OP.

The OP almost certainly wants their dosage increased because while the AD is helping, it could be doing more. Standard practice for antidepressants is to start at a very low dose and see what happens, and if things are going well, to then increase the dose. It is normal to increase the dosage of an antidepressant if it is working well, unless the doctor decides that there is an undesirable side effect. Can you fucking grasp this? Can you fucking grasp that the doctor thinks that weight gain, even such a small weight gain, is a sufficiently undesirable side effect to not increase the dose of something that is helping, and would probably help more if the dose was increased? Can you stop talking out of your ass?

You’re going on and on about how TITP doesn’t know this and that, but you clearly know even less about how these things work, and certainly far less than the OP does, and yet you presume that you know more about what’s actually going on than the OP does, who clearly thinks that there is discrimination going on. 

Any time a doctor decides that weight gain (even small weight gain) is bad enough to interfere with treatment, they are doing so because they assume that being fat is worse than whatever the treatment is supposed to be treating. This is apparently another thing you are not grasping. It’s weight bias whether or not it happens to a fat person. It is a weight bias that privileges thinness over fatness.

You are trying desperately to deny that it is bias because you yourself are biased. You’re an ignorant, bigoted shitstick.

Oh, and your theme makes your blog almost totally unreadable on my screen. Fuck if I’m going to try digging through it again just to read more of your totally factless blathering.

Shut the fuck up. You’re only making yourself look more and more clueless and awful.



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    Wooooow, why is this such a hard concept for these people to grasp? Doctors are not Gods. In fact, a lot of them are...
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    Actually, it’s more nuanced that that. I’m not a pharmacist or a medicinal chemist or a doctor, but I did take a few...
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