This is Thin Privilege

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  1. letshopethisurlworks reblogged this from casiana and added:
    I´d buy that card.It´s just dark humor. And its not thin privilege. Thin privilege shouldn´t even be a thing. You fat...
  2. nerdyfanboy53 reblogged this from casiana
  3. deadspace123 reblogged this from casiana and added:
    lol cry more you fat idiot.
  4. gazos reblogged this from casiana and added:
  5. tot-vermell-lluna reblogged this from feminist-antifatactivist
  6. just--salt reblogged this from check-your-logic-blog
  7. theskinnybitch23 reblogged this from check-your-logic-blog
  8. thank-you-based-bear reblogged this from check-your-logic-blog and added:
    Lol there’s no such thing as thin privilege, not everything is about fatness, it’s just rude, in their concern about...
  9. check-your-logic-blog reblogged this from feminist-antifatactivist
  10. feminist-antifatactivist reblogged this from debateslut and added:
    Her butt cheeks are pop in out in a grocery store. That’s pretty strange and uncomfortable for many people. Who said the...
  11. debateslut reblogged this from casiana and added:
    I mean, that picture is pretty scary lol
  12. mein-gah reblogged this from casiana and added:
    Oh god, my sides!… X’D
  13. tombahat reblogged this from casiana and added:
    Did they at least pay you royalties for the picture?
  14. kawaii-usagi-chan reblogged this from casiana and added:
    This isn’t thin privilege. The photo is considered scary because the woman is wearing unflattering clothes that are too...
  15. casiana posted this