i was in a neighborhood in studio city yesterday and i found this little beautiful gem of a mid century house. and i like lists, so here’s a list of why i’m including it in my arbitrary and random architectural blog.

  1. i love that it’s basically a mid century tree house.
  2. it’s literally about 300 yards from some of the least inspiring urban architecture in l.a, reminding me that there’s something hidden in plain sight almost everywhere in l.a.
  3. see ‘1’. i mean, it’s a tree house.
  4. i think '1’ and '2’ pretty much cover the reasons why it’s in/on/at my arbitrary blog.
  5. but i like lists so i’ll include a few more list items.
  6. like this one, '6’.

sorry for wasting your time. ok thanks. and it’s raining in l.a, which is great.

i think it’s the second time so far in 2013 that it’s rained in l.a. so, thank you rain gods.
