ok, super simple: a nice and random bauhaus inspired (or, possibly, designed) house from the 30’s. nice lines and perfect little rectilinear proportions. and you can malign l.a with it’s sea of beige, but there are also so many early and mid century houses in l.a that you couldn’t even begin to possibly count them (or stand on the street and take pictures of them).

in most cities a house like this would be remarkable, a rare example of good early-mid century architecture. in l.a it’s a nice modern house among tens of thousands of nice modern houses. l.a has all of these amazing houses and buildings and parks and streets and random weirdnesses, but they’re almost all kind of hidden. not hidden in an obnoxious cool way, just hidden due to the fact that l.a is huge and filled with tiny little oddball streets.

in most cities the beauty conceals the ugliness. here the ugliness conceals the beauty. well, oftentimes.

oh, i also took a few steps from this house and took a picture of hollywood as it might have looked in, say 1965. or so. 1965 was a good year. but i’m biased.
