ok, a few apologies.
or a couple of apologies.
i was in nyc, so i couldn’t send in new oddball pictures of l.a architecture.
or new pictures of oddball l.a architecture.
second apology: these pictures are in color.
because, simply, it was a beautiful day and this house is/was surrounded by all sorts of great tropical trees.
so: color.
i love this house because it makes no sense to me whatsoever.
it’s cute and little but has some pretty grand corbusier-esque concrete swoops and some odd rectilinear windows and some odd round porthole windows and it sort of feels like a sub-tropical glamorous concrete bunker and i feel like oscar niemeyer would live here when he’s in l.a.
although i’m not sure if oscar neimeyer was ever in l.a.
a short story: one time i was in rio driving through the tijuca forest and we rounded a corner and a friend of mine said ‘that’s where oscar neimeyer lives.’
and i was stunned into silence (because oscar neimeyer is a genius).
and oscar neimeyer’s house in the tijuca forest somehow reminded me of this little house in hollywood.
ok, so far i’ve had a non-buckminster fuller house and a non-oscar neimeyer house (unless some smart person tells me that this was, in fact, built by oscar neimeyer. that would be cool).
i guess i should stop being lazy and do some research and figure out who builds all of these houses.
ok, here’s the non-oscar neimeyer house in the hollywood jungle.
and oh, the odd blue house next to it is pretty cool, too.
