March 17, 2012

Who might be tempted to say, that the US after 911 installed a dictatorship actually forgets, where the “best” and most precise ideologies always came from - where they have been prosecuted in the most accurate way for getting the people enchained - for abolishing the peoples’ freedom in the most sustainable way - until eternity - from Old Europe - particularly from Germany.
After ACTA was supposed to top SOPA / PIPA, which brave US ctizens could prevent now the “EU Privacy Law” is about to be introduced through the back door - capable to destroy any critical voices  - any free press - any blog - in a much more clever and accurate - judicially more offensive way - thus - switching off the Internet.

The System “Gestapo-Stasi-BND 2.012” reforms itself - giving itself a new camouflage - how long will that endure ?

  1. anyarchitectsandengineers-b-blog posted this