Socially Mediating

Social Media. Social Media. We have all heard the term and a majority of us have created an account at some point. Shockingly enough, there is a percentage of people out there that refuse to create a social media account.


As social human beings, most of us dive a little deeper and try to create a profile, add some friends and talk to some people. We don’t do it because we couldn’t live without it; we do it to connect and communicate. I am sure all of you have been told at some point:

“I will add you on Facebook!” or “I will tag you on Facebook!”

Your answer to that should have been: “Ok!”

If your answer was:

“Oh…I am not on Facebook. I just never found time to get into it. I am really not comfortable with sharing all of that with people.”

– just know that you have officially been tagged as either a loner, a snob or just plain weird.

Also, if that was your answer please proceed to nearest computer and access a social media site. It is for your own good. 

Here is a little guide to fight those excuses and create a social media account.

If your excuse is:

“I don’t have time to create one.”


Have you ever procrastinated doing something important? Admit it. It’s OK. We all do it.

Those days when you tell your boss you will have the report done by 2 pm are also the days when suddenly you realize that:

•               your desk really needs to be cleaned

•               you have not called your grandma in forever

•               you should sign up for some cooking classes

•               you should really start going to gym

•               “Oh wow, that kitty on YouTube is sooooo cute.”

If you have said or done any of the above, please know the best time to create a Facebook/Twitter/Tumblr account is when you procrastinate. It will help you procrastinate even more (Disclaimer: we take no responsibility for that) and it will give you a clearer idea of what people around you are doing and saying. It will keep you more updated than CNN at times.

If your excuse is:

“I don’t want to share all those things with other people.”

Please know that mostly all social media sites have so many privacy options that it could actually help you procrastinate for another one hour.

If your excuse is:

“I just don’t want to.”

Please know that:

•No matter how busy, an average Facebook user spends 3-6 hours on Facebook everyday

•People spend over 700 billion minutes per month on Facebook

•There are over 900 million objects that people interact with (pages, groups, events and community pages)

•More than 30 billion pieces of content (web links, news stories, blog posts, notes, photo albums, etc.) shared each month

•People on Facebook install 20 million applications every day

•Every month, more than 250 million people engage with Facebook on external website

•There are more than 250 million active users

•Twitter users are, in total, tweeting an average of 55 million tweets a day

•Twitter’s search engine receives around 600 million search queries per day

•Of Twitter’s active users, 37 percent use their phone to tweet

So would you please join the social side?

CAUTION: Don’t just do it and then let it suffer a lonely, cold death. Check back in with us next week and we will give you tips of how to keep it alive.