April 28, 2014

Anonymous asked: i just finished the demon's lexicon and im very mad at alan ryves how dare he give me all these feelings!!!! IT IS AN ABSOLUTE OUTRAGE


omg keep reading demon’s surrender is gonna mess you up 

I am constitutionally incapable of reblogging something sweet from my books without immediately also reblogging something about pain and misery in my books. ;)

It seems like having a list of ingredients on the back of me: only fair.

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  4. bornonthebattleground reblogged this from sarahreesbrennan and added:
    He has a tendency of doing that. Yet you end up loving him. Damn u, Alan!
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  7. theshelfdiaries reblogged this from sarahreesbrennan and added:
    This is one of my favourite series.
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  10. theopensea said: alan ryves forever