August 7, 2014


Doodle of the day. Sweet Holly Prescott, who is my favorite character.

When I was drawing this I thought maybe Holly would become a race car driver or something. But she’s also good at English, so maybe she’ll become a novelist or a teacher. Any which way, I want her to think about herself a little more. Who does she want to become?

She may want to become a SUPREME CUTIE PIE, in which case congratulations Holly. What an adorable picture! I love that she’s got her motorcycle helmet, too: she has a lot of different disparate elements to her, our Holly, and that makes her fun to write and feel like a whole person to me. I think she’s still trying to work out who she is… but I think I know, and I think my awesome readers know too, seeing pictures like this. ;)

Holly and her motorcycle actually have an important role to play in Unmade…

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    Please tell me that she uses it to crush Rob?! Please Sarah!?
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