May 9, 2012
Clara Bowdlerized: [NONSENSE] Ladies, make out all you want.



the last time I saw someone criticising one of my heroines for making out with too many people… was yesterday.

My friends, that is some nonsense right there.

**SPOILERS AHEAD** So Mae, from SRB’s The Demon’s Lexicon series, is a pretty young thing with many romantical…

What a lovely thing to find in my tag. A gorgeous essay about Mae from the Demon’s Lexicon and her makin’ out ways.

I have to say it just never occurred to me anyone would ever care how many people a single lassie made out with. When I was seventeen, I made out with well over a hundred people.

Mostly in Irish college. You see, mostly I talk a lot. But in Irish college you can only speak Irish, and I am TERRIBLE at Irish. So instead I would stare in limpid confusion at dudes. 

DUDE: *incomprehensible gibberish*

SARAH: *staaaare*

DUDE: *incomprehensible gibberish*

SARAH: Kiss me you mad fool.

DUDE: She was overcome by my witty repartee!

SARAH: I was overcome with the desire for you to be quiet.

Forced… to speak the language of l'amour! 

It is possible that many of those dudes were just asking me what the time was. Oh well!


Girls can make out or not make out as they please. Boys too. My basic rules for people are: Do your best not to hurt others, be honest… and then do what you want. 

This shouldn’t be a big deal. ;)

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  1. aeide-thea reblogged this from sarahreesbrennan and added:
    lulzzzzzz yes. spot on target and also lolarious, as per usual!
  2. theflutterbyroom reblogged this from sarahreesbrennan