Esquire Theme by Matthew Buchanan
Social icons by Tim van Damme



I’m still alive, but my possessions are artifacts.

Today, December 2nd, I have surrendered a part of my soul to glass boxes, to share with strangers who mean well. This showcase is located on the second floor of the Leroy Collin Library in Tallahassee, FL. My work will be on display for the rest of this month. Grab a book, and look at my art.

Of the places I have exhibited, nothing has felt like home much as this library. As a kindergartener, I used to dream of having work displayed in the library and in third grade that dream came true, in Long Island. Nothing will ever be as familiar as that feeling of succeeding in such a quite honest way. No matter who sees my work and where it is shown, I will always carry that memory of exhibiting as a child. And my admiration for humility and genuine desire to share.




