March 29, 2014

Fette Sans, Untitled, 2014.

Why should I meet a second person, I may guess who, But I think it’s not a good Idea. I feel myself not representable to unknown persons. Nearly not the known ones.

It’s a strange business, speaking for yourself, in your own name, because it doesn’t at all come with seeing yourself as an ego or a person or a subject. Individuals find a real name for themselves, rather, only through the harshest exercise in depersonalization, by opening themselves up to the multiplicities everywhere within them, to the intensities running through them. A name as the direct awareness of such intensive multiplicity is the opposite of the depersonalization effected by the history of philosophy; it’s depersonalization through love rather than subjection. What one says comes from the depths of one’s ignorance, the depths of one’s own underdevelopment. One becomes a set of liberated singularities, words, names, fingernails, things, animals, little events: quite the reverse of a vedette.

Gilles Deleuze, from Negotiations, 1972-1990. Via.

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