1. kaayhaze reblogged this from mrbushido-blog
  2. everybodynicesweaters reblogged this from sammysamica
  3. jakeapple reblogged this from thenextweb and added:
    I still am not a fan of Internet Explorer, but this comerical is awesome. via
  4. mrbushido-blog reblogged this from parislemon and added:
    I cannot believe I am saying this, but this is a good ad for Internet Explorer.
  5. braveandorstupid reblogged this from parislemon
  6. elmoreau reblogged this from parislemon
  7. gompr-blog reblogged this from thatfrenchman and added:
    Internet Explorer is back, in pog form!
  8. hvdave100 reblogged this from thenextweb
  9. alyinoise reblogged this from parislemon
  10. theotherkindoflucky reblogged this from parislemon
  11. dmtrendsonline reblogged this from thenextweb
  12. thats-luke reblogged this from parislemon and added:
    I usually don’t like Microsoft commercials… but this one is awesome
  13. al305sr reblogged this from parislemon
  14. melephant19 reblogged this from paintedlavender-blog and added:
    Well played, Internet explorer… Never thought I would say that.
  15. doylemb reblogged this from parislemon and added:
    Awesome Ad
  16. areyouthatguy reblogged this from parislemon and added:
    If this computer thing doesn’t work out, Microsoft should totally go into the ad business.
  17. barcampsarasota reblogged this from thenextweb
  18. stephaneaillaud reblogged this from parislemon
  19. thenextweb posted this

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