August 15, 2013
Hi Friends! SMMA was nominated for an Ignatz again this year! Cool! Check out the other noms! Check out the other webcomics!
Bird Boy, Annie Szabla
Haunter, Sam Alden
Gabby’s Playhouse, Ken Dahl/Gabby Schulz:
July Diary, Gabrielle Bell


Hi Friends! SMMA was nominated for an Ignatz again this year! Cool! Check out the other noms! Check out the other webcomics!

Bird Boy, Annie Szabla
Haunter, Sam Alden 
Gabby’s Playhouse, Ken Dahl/Gabby Schulz: 
July Diary, Gabrielle Bell 

Sorry for the lag in updates lately. Lots of life stuff to attend to at the mo’. More regular programming come September.

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