March 17, 2011
back to basics—or—Black is the new Black…

a single thought has been occupying my mind lately and it’s foundational movements. krav maga has its set of foundational movements, as does crossfit. both krav maga and crossfit emphasize spending the time to learn the basics properly so when one moves up to more advanced movements (or in the case of crossfit, heavier weights), they should have an easier time with it because their foundation is solid and strong. sure, it feels great when you can do a workout “Rx’d”, and yeah! doing weapon defenses is fun… but what’s the point of even going there if all of your basic movements are shit? if you can’t punch properly, or you’re wasting energy by bouncing around like a fucking kangaroo, what’s the point of learning to defend against a gun? isn’t the point of learning the moves to master them? if you haven’t mastered the previous movements the latter movements will suffer. if your air squat sucks—guess what?—your squat at 135# is gonna suck, as is your squat at 225#. checking your ego at the door helps. asking coaches, teachers, and friends for feedback also helps. the key is recognizing your weak points, then working on them until they are no longer weak. now move onto a new weak point. repeat.

“i’m not afraid of the 10,000 punches you’ve practiced once… i fear the one punch you’ve practiced 10,000 times.”

the beauty of taking the time to master each movement is then learning exactly how much energy to put into it—for me, this efficiency of movement is my ideal goal, it’s my dream. it’s that epiphany moment that you din’t realize happened because you’ve been doing it instead of thinking about it. and what’s the litmus test to know if you’ve achieved this mastery? making it look easy. 

—this rant was aimed at me as much as it was you. party on dudes!

  1. 4thdecade reblogged this from kravblaga
  2. morsdecontactus-blog said: Just yesterday my Level 1-2 students asked “Are we ever gonna start training in weapons defenses?”. Your post is an extended version of the answer I gave them :)
  3. kravblaga posted this