mosques on the banknotes


[25 piasters from 1977 with Mahmoud Mukhtar’s Nahdet Masr sculpture]

As the value of the Egyptian pound continues to fall, it maybe a good time to take a close look at those one pound bills as they may disappear soon. Not long ago bills for fifty and twenty-five piasters were common in daily use, today such bills, if encountered, are kept for souvenir.

All the current bills from the 25 Piaster to the 200 pound have mosques from Cairo on one side. All these monuments are located within walking distance in the heart of historic Cairo, makes for a nice day out.

Here is a map showing the bills with the corresponding mosques:

LE100 Sultan Hassan Mosque and Madrasa  مسجد السلطان حسن


LE50 Abu Hariba Mosque مسجد أبو حريبة


LE20 Muhammad Ali Mosque مسجد محمد على


LE10 al-Rifai` Mosque مسجد الرفاعى


LE5 Ibn Tulun Mosque مسجد أحمد بن طولون


LE1 Sultan Qaitbey مسجد السلطان قايتباى


50 Piasters al-Azhar Mosque المسجد الأزهر


25 Piasters Sayyeda Aisha Mosque مسجد السيدة عائشة


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