
Hi! I have just finished Land of Stories: the Wishing Spell, by Chris Colfer, making it the sixth book I've read since January of this year. I was wondering how many books you read each month (approximately, of course) and if you follow some kind of a theme each month? Also, I'm a slow reader, but I'm proud of those six books this year. Is that a good number? :P

Asked by cakemeex

I think 24 books per year is excellent!

Although I often come across like I believe quantity of books read is the most important thing, because I participate in the 50 Book Challenge and I’m always going on about numbers (I really just like to make pie charts!), I’m always just happy to hear that somebody is reading something. And enjoying it!

Even so, I’m a little slower this year than usual. I read three books in January, four in February, and five in March. It’s a little frustrating, but not so much because I care about the exact number, but because I know there’s so many books I want to read but haven’t yet! I have a pile of thirteen on my desk ‘to read soon’. Plus my April ‘classic’ of course!

I tend to not follow theme most of the time, but I’ve occasionally chosen to read only dystopia or science fiction or ‘adult fiction’ in a month. I think it’d be fun to pick a month to read ‘books I bought but haven’t read yet’ or ‘books I want to re-read’.

I also have The Wishing Spell, but I haven’t read it yet. It sounds like a fun, whimsical book.


  1. tobeleftoutinthedark said: TLOS (I’m abbrv. to save characters) is so fun. The sequel is supposedly coming out in August. :D