April 21, 2014
“ “I love dreams, even when they’re nightmares, which is usually the case. My dreams are full of the same obstacles, but it doesn’t matter. My amour fou for the dreams themselves as I shared with the surrealists. “Un Chien...


“I love dreams, even when they’re nightmares, which is usually the case. My dreams are full of the same obstacles, but it doesn’t matter. My amour fou for the dreams themselves as I shared with the surrealists. “Un Chien Andalou” was born of the encounter between my dreams and [Salvador Dalí]’s. Later, I brought the dreams directly into my films, trying as hard as I could to avoid any analysis. ‘Don’t worry if the movie’s too short’, I once told a Mexican producer. ‘I’ll just put in a dream.’ He was not impressed.”

Luis Buñuel, born on this day.
February 22, 1900 - July 29, 1983

(Source: facebook.com, via yet-another-universe)

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