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See, that’s what the app is perfect for.

Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna

Right, I’m asure alot of us Capaldians have recently seen Peter pass off our love for him as that ‘It’s The Doctor that they love’ - well I have decieded we NEED to do something about this ASAP!

I have chosen we need to make him a BOOK to keep. Now this may sound quite hard yet really it…


Please step back a moment and think.

Peter Capaldi has made it clear in interviews that he is a very happily married man, and that he doesn’t like thinking about people being attracted to him. Look at his reactions to people being attracted to both Malcolm and the Doctor, and how careful he is, always, to say it’s the character.

I don’t think Mr. Capaldi wants to receive tributes to his hands, or his dancing, or his eyebrows.

A tribute book for his acting, sure. But don’t try to convince him that his fans *love* him, because he’s tried, repeatedly, to ward questions about that off.


As we’re not planning on gang banging him or on asking him to father our child but on expressing our innocent fondness of him (as an actor and a person) I don’t think he will have objections against a project like ours.
We just have to convey that we’re fans not stalkers.


Exactly this. ^^  There are plenty of good ways to show him that it’s more than just the Doctor who inspires us, but Peter, the person, and it’s entirely possible to do this in a reasonably calm, restrained and respectful fashion.  It’s things like how very kind he is to the kids, how he’s a fan like us, his curiosity, how gracious he is, how he took the trouble to learn how to say a number of things in three foreign languages to speak to his fans in non-English-speaking lands on the World Tour, and how much his own enthusiasm has touched us and made us so glad to welcome him as the Doctor.