MD: Mind Dump

This is a blog about anything and everything this MD is thinking about; from academic medical information to hobbies and activities outside the healthcare field.

Anonymous asked: The bible says you should treat your body like a temple but sometimes anxiety & insecurity makes it hard. What is your opinion on eating disorders?


They are not a good thing.

Jesus bore stripes on His back so that you don’t have to cut yourself. 

Jesus is the bread of life so you don’t have to starve or stuff yourself. 

You’ll never find lasting peace apart from God. It just doesn’t exist. There is no goodness without Him. 

Isaiah 26:3 “You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you, because he trusts in you.”

Trusting in God is the best way to combat disorders of any kind. 

And the best way to build faith and trust is to spend time with the on you’re trusting. Pray and don’t stop praying. Read the Bible consistently and expect God to work inside you. 

And trust that God’s going to heal you and give you peace. It might not look like what you expected, but if you trust in Him, He will. 

It might be instantaneous. 

It might be over time.

It might be through modern medicine.

It might be through solid counseling. 

If might be today or tomorrow. 

It might be in 5 years. 

It might be at the final resurrection.

It will happen if you trust in Him. 

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  3. doctorbluesmanreturns said: ngl my fight or flight kicked in when I saw “trust in Him is the best way to combat disorders” because of all the “pray yourself better!” heresy going around lately
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