Some Little Things i Like...

Art l Design l Graphisme l Geek... Quelques petites choses que j'aime, qui me font réagir (positivement en général) et me donnent envie de les partager.
NOWHERE or NOW HERE l Prints by BBDO Toronto for “160 girls” project
The slash is evidence that a sign can change everything.
This slash was painted by Meru’s senator (Kenian province).
The “160 Girls” project is a legal initiative that aims to...

NOWHERE or NOW HERE  l  Prints by BBDO Toronto for “160 girls” project 
The slash is evidence that a sign can change everything.
This slash was painted by Meru’s senator (Kenian province).
The “160 Girls” project is a legal initiative that aims to achieve justice and protect against rape for all girls in Kenya. l Via

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