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Heading to Chicago for a long weekend Friday night…First time visiting the city so any can’t miss recommendations?


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  5. mindtourism answered: Get pizza from Lou Milnati’s…as for places to go…well none of my friends from Chicago offer good advice so that’s about all I got.
  6. bigcuddlymonsta-blog answered: get ur dick sucked
  7. hotdamnilookgood answered: If you like pizza, find youself a traditional deep dish chicago style pizza place. So good and so worth it! There’s quite a few to check out
  8. shawnb answered: Chicago Institute of Art
  9. christinatina answered: the violet hour. YOU MUST GO THERE
  10. beesonthewhatnow answered: Drive lower wacker at a cool car…as fast as you can.
  11. witharedballoon answered: Ed Debevics! Its a 50’s style diner, and it is a hilarious experience! Its pretty famous, so I’m sure you’ll see something about it.
  12. sabbatai answered: Make sure you hit some blues clubs
  13. illusiondw3llers answered: Millrnium Park is beautiful!! It is right next to Lake Michigan and on a clear day you can even see Michigan in the distance
  14. this-is-void answered: DMK Burger Bar!
  15. placespacetime-blog-blog answered: The Renzo Piano addition to the Art Institute is gorgeous and has an awesome collection. Also, deep-dish pizza.
  16. ummhello posted this

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