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Closing the Book on My Curd-ish Experiment

For those of you who have been following this blog since the beginning, or you fans who have caught up on all the history, maybe you thought I was giving up on this experiment. Well, I did not give up! That little ball of mozzarella has been patiently waiting in my freezer, and I finally put it to the test.

So, the picture really is all you need to see: the experiment yielded a great pizza success! I’ve been perfecting a one hour mozzarella method over the past year, and it’s what I teach in my Mozzarella Making class. Because the method is quicker than more traditional 2-5 day Mozzarella recipes, I wasn’t sure how it would hold up after being frozen. I’m happy to report that it re-hydrated with no problem (I just put it from the freezer into the fridge and let it defrost slowly for a day or two), sliced nicely, and coated this yummy pizza with cheesy, bubbly, gooey goodness.


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