i'm fluent in javascript as well as klingon. hello world. my name is Ryan Alexander Boyles. often, it's pronounced the RAB. Nerd. Avett Brothers Circus. Horror.


Tania Elizabeth, Paul Defiglia, Scott Avett and Seth Avett perform with Joe Kwon in his church Tuesday night on UNC Chapel Hill’s campus to benefit Musical Empowerment. (at University United Methodist Church)

Tania Elizabeth, Paul Defiglia, Scott Avett and Seth Avett perform with Joe Kwon in his church Tuesday night on UNC Chapel Hill’s campus to benefit Musical Empowerment. (at University United Methodist Church)

  1. antiquesherlock reblogged this from secondaryartifacts and added:
    Woah! Paul shaved his head!
  2. mypatronusismumfordandsons reblogged this from secondaryartifacts
  3. secondaryartifacts posted this

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