i'm fluent in javascript as well as klingon. hello world. my name is Ryan Alexander Boyles. often, it's pronounced the RAB. Nerd. Avett Brothers Circus. Horror.


Which Company Has the Most “Social” Employees? [INFOGRAPHIC]
“ Each company’s ranking is determined by its employees’ overall social media activity, including the average number of connections across various networks. Flowtown even ranked employees...

Which Company Has the Most “Social” Employees? [INFOGRAPHIC]

Each company’s ranking is determined by its employees’ overall social media activity, including the average number of connections across various networks. Flowtown even ranked employees on Twitter by average number of tweets and followers, and compared male and female employees’ social scores.

Do the deeds of employees who are active online have a trickle-up effect on a brand’s overall social media presence?

um okay. but something is really off about this data. i work for one of the companies tied at slot #48. you know, the one that has one of the first and most innovative social media policies for it’s employees of companies world-wide (and this reinforced by the same source that reported on “social media ranking” - Mashable). what does it all mean? not much, but it got some retweets i guess (guilty).

Edit note: you can read Adam’s post “Underscoring the complete uselessness of ranking”  for a great perspective as well. 

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