Here is a list of books that I have read in 2013 and would recommend before the year ends!  

The Goldfinch

What can I say about this book that has not been already said.  Donna Tartt has given us another page turner and although I am little late to the party with this author, it is definitely well worthy of all the compliments given!

The Great Gatsby

We all know the movie, whether it be Robert Redford or Leonardo DiCaprio, however the book is gripping. Not called an American Classic for nothing.

The Lowland

Jhumpa Lahiri’s prose draws you in and makes wish you could change some of the plot for yourself, but that would change the book.  Great read!


When we look at what women are achieving today, we need to look back and realise that strong women achieve not matter what their situation.  Judith Mackrell takes us back to understand this!

The Twelve Tribes of Hattie

When a mother’s love seems not to be forthcoming, we have to wonder if placed in the same situation where would our strength come from?  What would you do?  Ayana Mathis makes you wonder and question!  

Gone Girl

There were so many rave reviews about this book, I just had to read it and was not disappointed.  Gillian Flynn keeps on your toes trying to guess what will happen next.

The Bell Jar

Sylvia Plath’s classic is a must read for all literary folk.

Half a Yellow Sun

Beyoncé has Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie on her new album, that speaks volumes about this fantastic Nigeria author. All her books are a must read!

These are books that I have read and througly enjoyed. All opinions are my own.  

k3 notes

  1. cavendishrd posted this